Program Your Robot For Cool Tricks!

Introducing the newest member of the family: the programmable robot!

Kids these days are so lucky.

When I was a kid, the closest thing we had to a robot was a piece of cardboard boxes taped together.

But now, there are all sorts of high-tech toys for kids to play with, like programmable robots!

Programmable robots are the perfect toy for kids who love to tinker and build.

They're also great for kids who are interested in coding and programming.

With a programmable robot, perfect toy for kids who love to tinker and build.

And the best part is, they can make their robot do whatever they want it to do.

There are all sorts of programmable robots available on the market, so finding one that's right for your child can be a bit daunting.

But don't worry, we've got you covered.

We've put together a list of some of our favorite programmable robots for kids.

InnoBot Jr.: InnoBot Jr. is a great entry-level programmable robot for kids.

It's easy to use and comes with everything you need to get started coding and programming. Plus, it's super affordable!

PlayShifu Plugo Coding – Coding Starter kit is a great option for kids who are ready to take their coding skills to the next level. It's a bit more advanced than InnoBot Jr., but it still relatively easy to use. Plus, it comes with all sorts of nifty features, like color-coded coding and an app that lets you create your own games.

Snap Circuits Teach -Tech Mech 5 is perfect for kids who want to build and code their own custom robot. It's completely modular, so kids can build whatever kind of robot they can imagine. Plus, it comes with an app that makes coding super easy and fun.

There are lots of great options available when it comes to choosing a programmable robot for your child.

But with so many choices, it can be tough to decide which one is right for your family.

Hopefully this list has given you some ideas and helped you narrow down your search!

Kids love learning to code because it's a chance to be creative and have fun while making cool things. But where do you start?

Click the link below to check out Coding For Kids: Robotics Fun & Easy.

It's perfect for kids who are curious about how robots work, and want to learn how to code them to do cool tricks.